Formang Page Numbers in Google Docs
Unfortunately, Docs does not currently support Roman Numerals for page numbers. In order to
insert Lower Case Roman Numerals (eg. iii, iv, v) You will need to put a secon break at the end of each
page in your preliminary secon, including pages where no numbers should appear. Next, you will need
to manually add the rst roman numeral on the rst of those pages. Then on each of the subsequent
pages, UN-check the box for "Link to previous" and manually add the remaining roman numerals.
1. First, from the View Menu select “show non-prinng characters “
2. To insert Secon Breaks:
From the Insert Menu, insert a Secon break (next page) aer your name on the tle page.
And then Insert a Secon break (next page) at the end of your Abstract text.
You will then do this at the end of every page in your preliminary secon.
3. You will then have to click into the footer separately for every page in the preliminary secon.
Make sure that Dierent rst page and Link to previous secon are not selected.
4. Starng on the page aer your Abstract, you will then you insert the lower case roman numeral
(most likely starng with iii) and format it to appear in the same locaon you want your page
numbers to appear in the main body of your document. You will repeat that process unl you
have numbers all of your preliminary pages. Remember that the no page numbers appear on the
Title and Abstract pages but they are counted as pages i and ii
5. On the First Page of your Main Body in the footer select Opons and then Page Numbers
6. From the Page Numbers Menu Select
a. This Secon Forward; Footer; Make sure Show on rst page is selected and nally Start
at 1