Multiple Meaning Words
Read the two sentences. Choose the missing word whose meanings fit both
Reading & math for k-5
Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet
They sent a rocket into _____. There is _____ in my shed for your bike.
ground clouds
space weather
The _____ is pulling into the station. We need to _____ our dog to heel and sit.
bus run
walk train
The singer missed a ____ at the beginning of the song. I made a ____ of the telephone
note shout
chord drawing
His _____ was hurting from coughing too much. The _____ in the attic contains lots of
table cloths and blankets
heart chest
liver closet
Are you _____ for another round of chess? We played a baseball _____ yesterday.
game round
effort drive
Multiple Meaning Words
Read the two sentences. Choose the missing word whose meanings fit both
Reading & math for k-5
Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet
They sent a rocket into space. There is space in my shed for your bike.
ground clouds
space weather
The train is pulling into the station. We need to train our dog to heel and sit.
bus run
walk train
The singer missed a note at the beginning of the song. I made a note of the telephone
note shout
chord drawing
His chest was hurting from coughing too much. The chest in the attic contains lots of
table cloths and blankets
heart chest
liver closet
Are you game for another round of chess? We played a baseball game yesterday.
game round
effort drive